by APEA Comm. Staff | Jul 29, 2021 | News
By Caleb Hicks. When Greenville native Beth Chapman heard her home church was auctioning off an iconic 10-foot-tall fiberglass chicken to benefit its food pantry ministry, she knew she’d win. Chapman, a political and public relations consultant and former Alabama...
by APEA Comm. Staff | Jul 29, 2021 | News
By Caleb Hicks. The poultry industry is nothing new to incoming Alabama Poultry and Egg Association, or APEA, president Casey Jones of Hoover. As a third-generation industry employee, he’s been around the block a time or two. Jones, a longtime APEA board member, said...
by APEA Comm. Staff | Mar 1, 2021 | News
By Caleb Hicks. In January 2018, Noel Welch was eight credit hours away from completing his master’s degree in agronomy from Auburn University. By month’s end, he had decided he’d rather be a full-time farmer. This, from a guy who grew up in a non-farming family from...
by APEA Comm. Staff | Oct 20, 2020 | News
By Caleb Hicks. Thirty-nine years ago, an 18-year-old Ramona Harris got a job hanging chickens on the processing line at what was then Spring Valley Poultry, now Koch Foods, in Gadsden. Today, Harris is still at the facility, but now as manager of the third shift,...
by APEA Comm. Staff | May 28, 2020 | News
I joined the AP&EA staff in 2011, the same year the historic Tornado Super Outbreak tore a path of massive destruction across Alabama. In the aftermath of that disaster, I wrote a column recognizing the entire poultry industry for its tremendous support of those...